Electrolytic hazards depend not on the heating effects of currents but on their chemical effects. Napoleon had assented and had given orders that news should be brought to him of the effect those batteries produced. The only difference to be reckoned with may be in recent tendencies of solo vocalists to sing for effect, and so to extend the compass of the voice upwards. (3) The connection between cause and effect has no beginning and can have no end. There is undoubtedly a cause and effect between what we eat and our health, but I believe it is still poorly understood. were among the oracles which God commanded Isaiah " to seal up among his disciples " (verse 16), and that they were quoted once more with effect as the armies of Sennacherib closed around Jerusalem. The practical effect of this opposite couple is slightly to tilt the frame and thus to redistribute slightly the weights on the wheels carrying the vehicle. Use compound sentences to show cause and effect. Every operation in which mind and matter are both concerned is an effect of neither, but the direct act of God. 34 shows the effect of the interpolator in dissecting the consecutive elements of any letter combination. Many trees offer magnificent displays of flowers at certain seasons of the year; perhaps the loveliest effect is derived from the bushes and trailing creepers of the Combretum genus, which, during the "winter" months from December to March, cover the scrub and the forest with mantles of rose colour. The fact that the growth of a leguminous crop, such as red clover, leaves the soil in a higher condition for the subsequent growth of a grain crop - that, indeed, the growth of such a leguminous crop is to a great extent equivalent to the application of a nitrogenous manure for the cereal crop - was in effect known ages ago. It is important to distinguish between cause and, 15. The effect on her pulse was electrifying. 1. 2. C. Match the effect in column A to the cause in column B. Koch has suggested that the disinfection of malarial persons by quinine would have the desired effect, but other authorities of greater experience do not consider it practicable. Don't sit there. Even during the temporary Hellenization in the second great period the character of the people as a whole was untouched by the various external influences which produced so great an effect on the upper classes. Form a sentence using the following words- baking soda, ant bite, moist ,effect, neutralised, rubbing. The timidity of the Danish admiral Ulrik C. Gyldenldve, and the daring of Charles, who forced his nervous and protesting admiral to attempt the passage of the eastern channel of the Sound, the dangerous flinterend, hitherto reputed to be unnavigable, enabled the Swedish king to effect a landing at Humleback in Sjaelland (Zealand), a few miles north of Copenhagen (Aug. Effect is sometimes, though not often, used as a verb, meaning "to cause." We shall best illustrate the character and method of economic reasoning by examples, and for that purpose let us take first of An all a purely historical problem, namely, the effect on of the wage-earners of the wages clauses of the Statute of Apprenticeship (1563). Effect in a sentence 1. At the time of that meeting it had not produced an effect upon him--he had not even once recalled it. to effect a truce, or, failing that, to renew the excommunication of Bruce. He listened to her erratic breathing, beyond satisfied at the effect he had on her. Individual experience is a condition which without the innate capacity cannot take effect. The southern spring, the comfortable rapid traveling in a Vienna carriage, and the solitude of the road, all had a gladdening effect on Pierre. The value of culture is its effect on character. If the available water-power of Italy, already very considerable, be harnessed, converted into electric power (which is already being done in some districts), and further increased by reafforestation, the effect upon the industries of Italy will be incalculable, and the importation of coal will be very materially diminished.