Te Arawa Mahi is a subsidiary of Te Arawa Fisheries, the post settlement entity that holds and manages fishing assets and investments received on behalf of Te Arawa from the crown. The tribe took refuge on Mokoia Island in Lake Rotorua, armed only with traditional weapons. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence. The … Public Act 2008 No 98. Waipahihi – Taupo Maori Cemetery Listings. Hai puta ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama November 3, 2016 . Additional Resources. Tamatekapua and his people explored the North Island’s coast by canoe before settling in Maketū, in the western Bay of Plenty. Read more. All Rights Reserved. 6 Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū Statutory Acknowledgements In accordance with section 32 of the Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū Claims Settlement Act 2008, information regarding statutory acknowledgments is hereby attached to the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement. Te Hono was recognised for its Māori storytelling and artistic expression and how that is infused into a resulting design through collaboration between designers, culture and environment. Te Arawa Fisheries Lakesyde Business Centre – Level 1: 1204 Whakaue St. Rotorua: 3040: Ph: +64 7 349 3227 | Fx: +64 7 348 6876 | Email Us. Mai i Te Aupouri, tae rawa atu ki a Kai Tahu i Te Moana Pounamu. Commercial re-use may be allowed on request. November 17, 2016. Te Arawa is now made up of a confederation of Māori iwi and hapu (tribes and sub-tribes) based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas of New Zealand, with a population of around 40,000. This bill records the acknowledgements and apology given by the Crown to the Iwi and Hapu of Te Arawa affiliated to the To Pumautanga o Te Arawa trust in the deed of settlement of 11 June 2008 between the Crown and the trust, and gives effect to the deed of settlement as a final settlement of all of the trust's historical claims. Te Arawa hapu buy Waimangu Volcanic Valley 7 Aug, 2017 02:41 AM 3 minutes to read Te Puia's Tim Cossar (left), Tuhourangi's Alan Skipwith and Ngati Rangitihi's Leith Comer. Ki tōku aronga manawa Changes authorised by subpart 2 of Part 2 of the Legislation Act 2012 have been made in this official reprint. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. Lists of burials at the Waipahihi – Taupo Maori Cemetery, Taupo. When Mt Tarawera erupted in 1886, the famous Pink and White Terraces at Rotomahana were lost. [citation needed] The history of the Te Arawa people is inextricably linked to the Arawa canoe. Te Arawa is a confederation of Māori iwi and hapu (tribes and sub-tribes) of New Zealand who trace their ancestry to … If you are looking for Jack Nohi, look under both the J and the. Note. Ngati Whakaue (2 Seats) Ana Morrison. Get in Touch / Whakapā mai. Otirā, ngā mate e hinga mai na e hinga atu rā, mai i Ngā Kuri a Whārei, mai i Maketū ki Tongariro, otirā puta atu ki te motu whānui. Tamateatutahi a hapu of the greater Te Arawa hapu Ngati Pikiao for himself and those having an interest in the Waitangi Soda Springs and the associated Rotoma geothermal field. “E waru nga pu-manawa o te Arawa. Nā te kāhui ā-Iwi o Te Arawa i arataki i te whanaketanga o tēnei mahere – hei taki ake mā Te Pae Motuhake mō Te Arawa. The Affiliate (comprising the Iwi and Hapu of Te Arawa that are now affiliated to the Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa trust) traditionally operated as independent entities, coming together when prompted by common interests. All non-text content is subject to specific conditions. Frequently Asked Questions. Although there were many conflicts, peace was often settled through marriages. Please check the captcha to verify you are not a robot. In accordance with section 40(2) of the Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claim Settlement Act 2008, this section sets out the relevant provision of sections 36 - 42 in full relating to the Rotorua region geothermal areas. In the 1860s Te Arawa fought alongside the government against the tribes of Waikato and the East Coast, and against guerrilla leader Te Kooti. Date of assent 29 September 2008. Koheri ra! "Te Hono embraces tangata whenua expertise and narratives and weaves these throughout every aspect of the airport terminal, an impressive feat for an architectural job of this scale. June 21, 2018. His eight children and their descendants became known as Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru (the eight beating hearts). The woman was grossly insulted by the Ngati-Taoi chief, Te Mokarite; so she returned to Mokoia Island, and complained to her husband. How Can We Help. Projects funded include: • the Matāriki dinner held for our Te Arawa kōeke • the celebration to mark 130 years since the eruption of Mount Tarawera • the World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference hosted by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao. Kohera e! 1194 Haupapa St Rotorua 3010. meaningfully engage with Te Arawa hapu and iwi o Realise opportunities (that arise from time to time) that both parties agree are mutually beneficial 5. New Zealand Government | Te Kawanatanga o … Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara. Marae. Tēnā koutou katoa. Read more. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK www.tearawafisheries.co.nz TO ACCESS OUR NEW WEBSITE. Te Arawa tribes today include Ngāti Pikiao, Tūhourangi and Ngāti Whakaue. 36 Geothermal statutory acknowledgement by the Crown. The Te Arawa confederation of Māori iwi and hapu (tribes and sub-tribes) based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas of New Zealand trace their ancestry from this waka. Tutapa mai nuku, tutapa mai whiti © Te Arawa Lakes Trust. Site Managed by Automation Central. Rangitihi was an important ancestor. Gina Mohi. Tihē Mauri Ora! Te Arawa Iwi & Hapu (6 Seats) Eraia Kiel. Hapu. The following Iwi/Hapu are affiliated to Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust. Ānei a Te Arawa Waka, Te Arawa Tangata e mihi atu nei, e tangi atu nei. Read more . The tourist guide Sophia Hinerangi had seen a mysterious phantom canoe on Lake Tarawera shortly before the eruption – often considered to be a premonition of the disaster. Ko tā Te Pae Motuhake he whakahāngai i tēnei mahere ki Te Rautaki Maihi Māori, arā, kia ūkaipō anō te reo ki ngā kainga, ngā marae me ngā hapori o te waka o Te Arawa. Geoffrey Rolleston. The area’s dramatic scenery and geothermal attractions drew many visitors in the 19th century. Iwi. Te Arawa is now made up of a confederation of Māori iwi and hapu (tribes and sub-tribes) based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas of New Zealand, with a population of around 40,000. In 1823 Ngāpuhi, led by Hongi Hika and armed with muskets, attacked Te Arawa. Te Arawa tribes today include Ngāti Pikiao, Tūhourangi and Ngāti Whakaue. Waiho rātau kua nunumi ki te pō, kua rehurehu atu ki te rua. © Crown Copyright. The traditional lands of the Te Arawa people are around the Rotorua lakes. Kia rongo te pō, kia rongo te ao Ānei a Te Arawa Waka, Te Arawa Tangata e mihi atu nei, e tangi atu nei. 27 Tarawera Road, Lynmore, Rotorua (07) 3456629. The traditional lands of the Te Arawa people are around the Rotorua lakes. Some of the tribes formed in this way trace descent from a … The Te Arawa confederation of Māori iwi and hapū based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas trace their ancestry from the people of this canoe. Pan Te Arawa … ... Pukeroa, the pa near by, was at that time occupied by Ngati-Taoi, hapu of Tuhourangi, who anciently owned all this locality about Ohinemutu and Rotorua townships. Te Arawa stems from a rich cultural history and our lives are woven together through our rich whakapapa, back through time to the great migration of Te Arawa waka and further back to Atuamatua. These disputes were sometimes settled though marriages, and the groups also banded together to fight enemy tribes. Commencement see section 2. Telephone. Kia pā tata mai tō hau manawa Te Taru White. Land Trusts and Incorporations (2 Seats) David (Rawiri) Waru. Te Arawa Mahi was established with the purpose of connecting employers to Te Arawa people seeking employment. Some 20 generations ago a great leader named Houmaitawhiti lived in the Polynesian homelands called Hawaiki. As a Te Arawa Lakes Trust member representing the principal hapū(as declared in Section 2), I confirm that the applicant is a descendant of our hapu and endorse inclusion onto the Te Arawa … If you’d like to contact a trained paearahi (navigator) to work with please contact the Te Arawa Whanau Ora office on 07 213 1995 or email whanau.direct@tearawawhanauora.org.nz Or phone one of the Collective partners and ask to speak to a paearahi: Korowai Aroha Health Centre 07 348 8454 Maketu Health & Social Services 07 533 2551 All text licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence unless otherwise stated. Address. Your name Please enter your name. The Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapū Deed of Settlement is the final settlement of all historical claims of the iwi and hapū represented by Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa resulting from acts or omissions by the Crown prior to 21 September 1992 and is made up of a package that includes: The history of the Te Arawa people is inextricably linked to the Arawa canoe. Potaua Biasiny-Tule. The Crown acknowledges the statement of association. International +64 7 346 1761. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Pikiao produces a range of information to keep tribal members informed about Rūnanga and tribal initiatives or activities. A new service at Ngati Pikiao Health – Jadelle Contraceptive Implants. The Te Arawa people of Te Rohe o Te Waiariki (Bay of Plenty) are the offspring of Puhoarangi a celestial being, a heavenly being who descended from the Gods known as Te Hekenga a Rangi and met Te Kuraimonoa from Papatuanuku, the earthly being known as Te Hapuoneone, and begat a son, the revered ancestor Ohomairangi. You can also find their place of residence and hapu at that time. The earliest iwi (tribes) and hapū (clans or descent groups) formed as the descendants of waka groups expanded over succeeding generations. After a shark rescued the crew from being eaten by a huge sea creature, the people renamed their canoe – and themselves – Te Arawa, after a species of shark. Tamariki learn about healthy teeth. Some of the group, including the explorer Īhenga, travelled south and settled around the Rotorua lakes, where they were able to use the geothermally heated water and steam, as well as the lakes’ fresh water. Apumoana. Kearoa. Te Arawa's claim to the Waitangi Tribunal concerning the Rotorua lakes was settled in 2006 with an apology from the Crown and a recognition of Te Arawa's mana (authority) over the lakes. Te Arawa is a confederation of Māori iwi and hapu (tribes and sub-tribes) based in the Rotorua and Bay of Plenty areas of New Zealand, with a population of around 40,000 who trace their ancestry to Te Arawa … Te Arawa people often acted as guides, and Ngāti Whakaue leased land to the government to build the spa town of Rotorua. PO Box 128 Rotorua 3040. Haere, okioki, moe mai rā. But some of the tribe’s lands were lost after the wars. One famous love story is that of the beautiful Hinemoa, who lived on the shores of Lake Rotorua, and Tūtānekai on Mokoia Island, who would play his flute to her at night. Tātau te hunga ora, te kanohi ora ki te kanohi ora. Read More. Successful applications for the fund need to be consistent with the Trusts objectives and key result areas. With this in mind, wh ā nau, hapu and iwi came together at Te Ihu o Tamatekapua (Maketu) and enjoyed a unique approach for the Te Arawa Games. Paul Tapsell, 'Te Arawa', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/te-arawa (accessed 13 December 2020), Story by Paul Tapsell, published 8 Feb 2005, updated 22 Mar 2017. He sent his complaint to his relatives in the district. The invaders took them by surprise, and there was a great loss of lives. Pikiao Runanga offers new Health365 portal. The Te Arawa Partnership Working Group are holding special hui for Te Arawa marae, iwi authorities, entities, land trusts, stakeholders and Te Arawa whanui to provide a briefing on the election process, implementation of the partnership and the role Te Arawa stakeholders will play in the success of the Te Arawa Partnership. The Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū Settlement was signed on 11 June 2008. Key Documents. Note 4 at the end of this reprint provides a list of the amendments incorporated. In 2013, there were more than 51,000 Te Arawa people. Raina Meha-Rangitauira. Rangitoto from Bastion Point, near Ōkahu Bay, Tamatekapua meeting house, Ōhinemutu, 1905. Te Arawa refer to their tribal area in the saying “Mai I Maketū ki Tongariro, Ko Te Arawa te waka” which places the prow of the Te Arawa canoe at Maketū on the Bay of Plenty coast, and the stern at Mount Tongariro. The ideas are embedded in the new long-term strategy developed by the iwi, for the iwi, hapū and whānau in the Te Arawa region and titled Te Arawa 2050 Vision. across Te Arawa hapu, marae and Iwi. Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claims Settlement Act 2008. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, Okataina – Kōura Baseline Report – Wai Ora. … Te Arawa Fisheries Trust manages fisheries assets on behalf of the iwi of Te Arawa. Home; We Have Moved! Ānei te Poari Hunga Tiaki o ngā Roto Moana o Te Arawa e mihi atu nei ki a koutou katoa e noho mai na i ngā tōpito e wha o te motu. Register now and apply for a Te Arawa 500 Tertiary Scholarship. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. After the Second World War, many Te Arawa drifted to the cities in search of work. Arawa was one of the great ocean-going, voyaging canoes in Māori traditions that was used in the migrations that settled New Zealand. Tuhourangi. Competition among Ngāti Pikiao, Tūhourangi and Ngāti Whakaue sparked conflict within Te Arawa. Many of those who first arrived on the Te Arawa canoe became great explorers, founding tribal groups across the North Island’s dramatic geothermal zone. We have charitable status and profits are redistributed through our trust Te Kotahitanga O Te Arawa Waka. Tuhourangi. The Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū Settlement was signed on 11 June 2008. These claims are brought in a representative capacity with the support of the Federation of Maori Authorities, many of whose members have an interest in geothermal resources in and around Rotorua. Media Releases . NB: Aneta Morgan was successfully elected however has since withdrawn due to conflicts with work commitments. Helpful Links. In Te Arawa tradition, the ancestor Tamatekapua and his relatives set out for New Zealand from Hawaiki in a double-hulled canoe. Ngaroma (Mala) Grant. Ā kāti. And Incorporations ( 2 Seats ) David ( Rawiri ) Waru i Moana. Disputes were sometimes settled though marriages, and Ngāti Whakaue tribes today include Pikiao. And profits are redistributed through OUR Trust Te Kotahitanga O Te Arawa people around. Lands of the Legislation Act 2012 have been made in this official reprint Implants. ’ s dramatic scenery and geothermal attractions drew many visitors in the.! Established te arawa hapu the Trusts objectives and key result areas lost after the Second World War, Te. That settled New Zealand from Hawaiki in a double-hulled canoe that settled New Zealand Arawa Iwi and Claims. Looking for Jack Nohi, look under both the J and the of burials at the Waipahihi Taupo! 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